Thursday, March 19, 2009

Vikta's Social and Administrative Policies

In addition to my monetary and fiscal policies, I will try to propose several social and administrative policies if I am elected to Congress.

1. The Constitution
I will push for the creation of the Constitution of Malaysia, which would have to be approved by the majority of eMalaysians. The constitution will be penned by a commission and has to be approved by a referendum vote. In addition, any eMalaysia is allowed to make suggestions to the referendum, and is allowed to propose an amendment to the constitution through a separate amendment.

2. The Judiciary
Vested in the constitution will be the creation of the judiciary system, There will be a formation of a judiciary committee to decide on the powers and functions of the judiciary. Ultimately, there are two scenarios: the jury system or the judge system. Judges will be directly elected by the people of eMalaysia while the jury pool is a group of peers randomly selected.

3. Referendums
Any citizen of eMalaysia can propose a referendum if he or she obtains the required amount of signatures (this will be decided later). All eMalaysians can then vote on this referendum

Monday, March 16, 2009

Vikta's Monetary and Fiscal Policy

Adjusting the Tax Rate
The current tax rate is stupid. Astronomical (99%) tax rates on importing food and other products. I know we have to protect our infant industies, but infants won't learn to walk if you don't let it try to walk! While we're at it, the people of Malaysia are going to starve if we continue to impose high tariffs on the importing of food! It was so bad, that people are starting to leave the country, and I had to help by circumventing the import taxes by 'importing/donating' Romanian food at no profit so that people won't starve!

I will lower the tax rate to something more competitive and feasible.

If I didn't know better I would say the Congress is trying to milk dry our economy.

Stabilisation of the National Currency
The Malaysian Ringgit has been fluctuating from high to extremely low (1Gold=60MYR to 1Gold=90MYR). This causes an instability in the region, which deters FDI (Foreign Direct Investment). This is partially why our market place is so blank - no one wants to trade in a currency that could easily lose half its value in a few days.

I would advocate a Ringgit Peg, very simmilar to what Malaysia did in real in during the 1997 Asian Financial Crisis. This means we set a standard, lets say 1Gold=70MYR, and put a significant amount of Gold and MYR on the market at that rate. Naturally, all other offers will gravitate towards us; if someone is underselling the Ringgit, we will buy them out, if someone is overselling the Ringgit, no one would buy their offer. This way we will have a stable currency and our nation will look more attractive to foreign investors. We can readjust the peg from time to time. When our country's currency is stable enough, then we can think lifting the peg.

Raising funds - Governmental bonds and shares
I will use my position in the Cabinet and Congress to issue Governmental bonds - Any eRepublikan can buy the bonds, which will pay a fix interest rate. In addition, the governmental owned companies will be opened to the sharemarket - anyone that wants can buy a share in the company, which will pay dividens! This is a quid pro quod arrangement - the Government gets funds to develop and stabilise the nation, while you get a fixed interest rate!


A National Bank WILL BE A BANK! (OMG!)
People will be able to open accounts with the Bank. And the Bank will pay a standard compounded interest rate. Yes, the national bank will be a bank!

Malay version:

Menukarkan Cukai
Jumlah cukai yang ada sekarang bodoh. Sangat bodoh. Cukai pada bahan makanan 99%!. Tambahannya, cukai import bahan-bahan penting yang lain pun terlalu tinggi. Saya tahu, kita harus melindungi industri bayi kita, tapi bayi tidak akan belajar menjalan jika ia tidak dibiarkan untuk mencuba jalan! Selain itu, rakyat Malaysia sedang kelaparan kerana harga makanan di pasaran mahal sekali! Keadaannya buruk sampai rakyat Malaysia perlu pindah ke negara yang lain kerana tidak mahu kelaparan, dan saya perlu mengimport makanan dari Romania dengan sistem 'donate' tanpa mendapat untung untuk mencegah kelaparan!

Aku akan menurunkan cukai sampai tahap yang lebih kompetitif dan layak.

Mengstabilkan Ringgit Malaysia
Ringgit Malaysia sekarang berfluktuasi dari tinggi ke sangat rendah (1Gold = 60MYR ke 1Gold = 90MYR). Ini menyebabkan ketidakstabilan Ringgit di negara ini, yang menyebabkan investor-investor lari. Ini juga merupakan sebab pasaran kami kosong- tidak ada seorangpun yang ingin mendagang dalam Ringgit Malaysia jika nilainya boleh menjatuh 50% dalam berapa hari.

Saya menganjurkan suatu Peg Ringgit, sama dengan apa yang dibuat di Malaysia apabila Krisis Keuangan Asia 1997 berlaku. Ini bererti kita akan tentukan satu nilai, misalnya 1Gold = 70MYR, dan masukan sejumlah besar MYR dan Emas ke dalam pasaran wang. Akibatnya, semua tawaran akan mengendap ke nilai tetapan kita kerana semua yang jual rendah akan dibeli oleh kita, manakala semua yang jual tinggi tidak akan dilayan orang. Dengan cara ini kita akan memiliki Ringgit Malaysia yang stabil dan pasaran kita akan lebih menarik bagi investor asing. Kita boleh menukar nilai tetapan bila ia harus ditukar.

Meningkatkan Dana Kerajaan - Keluaran saham negara
Saya akan menggunakan posisi saya di Kabinet dan Kongres untuk mengeluarkan saham negara- Setiap eRepublikan boleh membeli saham negara yang akan membayar bunga. Selain itu, Saham firma milik pemerintah akan dibuka kepada pasaran - siapapun boleh membeli saham di firma negara. Dividen akan dibayar setiap bulan. Ini bermakna anda boleh mendapat profit, dan kerajaan boleh mengunakan wang dan emas itu untuk mengstabilkan dan memajukan Malaysia!

akhirnya ...

Bank nasional akan menjadi sebuah... BANK!
Orang eMalaysia akan dapat membuka akaun dengan Bank Nasional. Bank akan membayar bunga kompaun setiap bulan. Ya, bank nasional akan menjadi sebuah bank!

Hello and Welcome

Hello and welcome to Vikta's eMalaysia Service Center.

Heres how this will work:

  • If I am elected to Congress, my decisions will be made after consultation of you, the people of eMalaysia
  • This service centre will serve as a place where I can get all of your views and opinions.
  • There will be polls and surveys done, and I will usually stick by the results of the surveys and polls unless in extreme circumstances.
  • In addition, your comments on this blog will be taken very seriously.
  • Also, my position in the eMalaysian Cabinet enables me to better spread the views of you, my fellow eMalaysians. I will use my position in the Cabinet to represent YOUR views.